Scientific tests have confirmed that drinking water on empty stomach immediately after getting out of bed cure certain disease doesn’t matter if they are more serious or simply mild afflictions. Like obesity, epilepsy, kidney diseases, vomiting, gastric, headaches, diabetes, constipation, uterine disease.
- First thing in the morning when you wake up, before doing anything drink about 160ml of water. You may start with less and gradually increase the amount as you go.
- Don’t eat or drink for next 45 min, you can brush your teeth and perform basic oral hygiene.
- After 45 min period you may have your breakfast
- Once you have finished your breakfast, don’t eat or drink for next 2 hrs.
Using this method, the regimen must be followed to cure constipation and gastric problems for 10 days, diabetes and high blood pressure for 30 days.
This treatment method has no side effects other than increased urination at the start of program. Drinking water and staying hydrated is an active and healthy way that wills a better impact on our lives. Include this regime in your daily life to fit and healthy.
Here is another thing we would like to mention; is to avoid drinking cold water. Because cold water slows down the process of digesting food by solidifying the oily foods you have just eaten. Once it reacts with acid in stomach, it is absorbed more quickly by intestine and lines the intestine wall. A long term accumulation of these digested oils could lead to cancer. Western culture should adopt this practice as there is everything to gain and nothing to lose in it.