We all have some type of emotions associated with our life. Whether we are happy or sad, depressed or joyful,

emotions are very crucial part of our daily life. But it should be kept in mind that emotions are connected with our overall health.
Our body releases different chemicals depending on the emotions that you are feeling at certain moment. For example Serotin and oxyocin are released when we are happy. Similarly when we are taking stress our body releases Cortisol, which is a totally different hormone that puts our body in a different state.
Impact of Positive & Negative Thoughts on Our Body
Most of the times our brain judges and defines: what is positive and what is negative. Our brain is very powerful tool. As it defines something to be positive or negative, we get a different reaction from our body. For example, while driving a car you are cut off by another car mostly, some of us will become angry and will immediately change their mood to negative even if he was positive the whole time. On the other hand some of us will act normally and ignore it like nothing happened. Therefore we can say that things are not always positive or negative by definition, but it is that we define them as such.
Connection between Mind & Body
There is a very strong connection between our body and mind. Positive thinkers having inner calm can lead them to a healthy life style and self esteem. Unresolved issues and destructive thinking will surely lead to unhealthy and unsatisfied life. Emotions are our body’s vital energy and are stored in a cellular memory. We often feel pain and stiffness, which is often related to some emotions in it. It doesn’t feel this way because we live in a fact paced world, and sometimes we leave our emotions aside.
We humans have the power to deal what life throws at us. So avoid getting stressed over, try to see the big picture and think about its effect on your overall health. Always have positive thoughts, get lesson from small stressful situations, or at least observe things before reacting