Kidneys are two organs located on either side of your spine in the middle of your back, just above your waist. They perform several life-sustaining functions like; they cleanse your blood by removing waste and excess fluid form the body, maintaining the balance of salt and minerals in your blood, and helps regulate blood pressure.
When the kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluid can build up in the body, which causes swelling in your ankles, vomiting, weakness, poor sleep, and shortness of breath. If it is left untreated, diseased kidneys may eventually stop functioning completely. Loss of kidney function is a serious cause and potentially fatal.
Healthy kidneys handle several specific roles. Following are some of functions that kidney performs:
- It maintains a balance of water and concentration of minerals, like sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, in your blood.
- It removes waste by-products from the blood after digestion, muscle activity, and exposure to chemicals or medications.
- Produces renin, an enzyme which helps regulate your blood pressure.
- Produces erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production.
- Produces an active form of vitamin D, needed for bone health.
What Causes Kidney Injury?

A sudden loss of kidney function is called acute kidney injury, also known as Acute Renal Failure (ARF). ARF can occur following:
- A traumatic injury with blood loss.
- A sudden reduction of blood flow to the kidneys.
- Damage to the kidneys from shock during a severe infection called sepsis.
- Obstruction of urine flow, such as with an enlarged prostate.
- Damage from certain drugs or toxins.
- Pregnancy complications, such as “eclampsia” and “pre-eclampsia” or related HELLP Syndrome.
Marathon runners and athletes who do not drink enough fluids while competing in long distance endurance events could suffer acute renal failure because of a sudden breakdown of muscle tissue. This muscle breakdown releases a chemical called “myoglobin” that can damage the kidneys.
Is it possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoid dialysis and/or kidney transplant surgery?
You are about to find out that it is possible to possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoid dialysis or a kidney transplant surgery. By following the same step-by-step holistic healing procedures that thousands of people around the world have already followed with results, you can improve your kidney function and your quality of life.
What exactly is kidney disease solution?
The Kidney Disease Solution is an “all in one” step-by-step program that provides you with everything you will need in order to reverse your kidney disease and improve your impaired kidney function
- Kidney Repair Tools
Includes detailed descriptions of every product you need from ancient remedies to modern science to help your body heal.
- The Kidney Disease Treatment Plan
It has been tailored to individual circumstances so you can feel confident that the cause of your kidney disease has a solution.
- Comprehensive Nutrition Plan
Outlining the exact foods that you can eat to help your kidneys heal and increase your kidney function.
What will Kidney Disease Solution do for you?
- Increase your energy.
- Will bring back your appetite.
- Help you manage your stress.
- It will dramatically improve how your urine looks and smells.
- Your red blood cells will return to normal.
- Your breathing will improve … walking will be a pleasure not a struggled one.
- Anxiety of planning meals that support healthy kidney function will ultimately dissolve.