You eat whatever you wanted in high school and stay thin as a rail. But unfortunately you’re not 17 anymore, and it won’t matter even if you work out ’round the clock, you can’t transform your body if you constantly give in to cravings, high-fat foods and sweet treats. The fact is that flat abs is made in the kitchen, and no amount of cardio and crunches can sculpt a sleek physique you want if you maintain an unhealthy diet.
Sara Haas, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “Consume excess calories and you have to counterbalance them, And it’s hard to get enough exercise in to undo the calories you’ll get in a double cheeseburger with French fries and a milk shake.”
You won’t be able to hit your peak if you’re overdoing it with the wrong foods

To change your physique effectively and stay toned requires an intense exercise. You would not have the physical endurance to push through tough and intense workouts if your diet isn’t up to the snuff. Well that unfortunately means that while Reese’s Pieces and soda might give you a high sugar that you mistake as energy, they wouldn’t fuel you to PR on the bench or around the track. Even if you’re consuming high fat foods in the evening, they could be affecting your sleep, according to Brazilian researchers; which will ultimately leave you very tired to go at the gym.
And most important of all watch out for taking in too much fat; that often translates to a lot of calories as well, which quickly packs on as extra pounds. And another diet pitfall to avoid when training is extremely high amounts of fiber. On average aim to get about 30% of your diet from protein, 40% from carbs and 30% from fat.
If you’re not eating enough you won’t have the energy to exercise

Make sure that diet you are taking is healthy, the one that is super low in carbs or calories and is just as harmful to your workout plan as one that’s high in fat. “A very restrictive eating plan is required, paired with hardcore workout, and could leave you leaning on muscle mass for energy”, says McDaniel. Also, maintaining a very restrictive diet for very long period can also lead to a reduction in muscle tissue and could decrease the ability of your skeletal muscles (the ones needed for lifting, walking and other forms of exercise) to perform well, found a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition.
You won’t want to exercise
Unhealthy food choice whether you’re eating too much fat, and too much calories could make you feel slow and less driven to exercise. “Remember that Diet and exercise are a feedback loop,” says McDaniel. When you eat well and healthy, you are motivated to move, and when you move, you are more motivated to eat better and better. A low-carb, high-fat diet; it might not only weaken training adaptations and hinder performance, McDaniel adds, but can also lead to a ‘hungry’ mood. Which means “You’ll be less likely to want to get to the gym?”