Posted on 29 August 2013. Tags: Depression, get rid of depression, how to get rid of depression
Every person has its own definition of depression. Some say it is an illness, some say it is an emotion or some say it is an attitude or life view. According to the medical science depression is the mental disturbance, accompanied with hopelessness. Depression occurs with lack of energy and difficulty in maintaining concentration.
Now the question arises what are the ways to get rid and how we are able to overcome the depression? Here are some methods which help to overcome this problem.
Best Exercise Pattern:
First of all, choose the best exercise pattern to get rid of depression. There are a lot of exercises known to help cure it. Exercises include yoga, walking and aerobics among others. The main thing necessary to do is to pick the best exercise that suits.
Change thinking immediately:
According to an estimate a person’s 87% thoughts are negative per day. To get rid of depression change the thought on the spot and start thinking joys and the happy moments that you have had in the past. Thinking of joys and happy moments affect positively and help to get rid of depression.
Word Therapy:
Speak to yourself or write good and hopeful words for you. Word therapy improves and pride yourself on your courage towards life. Words really work magically.
Get Some Sunshine:
The human body naturally produces vitamin D, which is known to help combat depression and mood swings, when skin is exposed to the sun. Make a commitment to do the real things for yourself. For at least 15 – 20 minutes per day or whenever you have a chance.
Choose Lively Friends:
Friends that are really energetic and joyful can help us a lot to get rid of depression and all the dejection moments of our life. If we have good and joyful companions then we don’t to be nervous about it.
Now a days, Depression appears as the common disease .But, its not a big deal to get rid of depression or to overcome it.
Posted in Fitness tips, General, Health Tips, Mind & body
Posted on 13 February 2013. Tags: causes dizziness, Causes of Dizziness, symptoms of dizziness
People may experience dizziness or disorientation because one or other reason. Stress could be one of the reasons. People should take neurological issues seriously. They should consult their neurologist in severe conditions. Possible causes of dizziness and Disorientation could be:

Dehydration can contribute to the symptoms of dizziness and disorientation. When people do not drink enough water, the body becomes acidic. It reduces the speed of many bodily functions. People should drink more water to counter their feelings of dizziness.
Vertigo is caused by disturbance in inner ear. It is not easily noticeable. When people move fast, or get up they felt these symptoms.
Inner Ear Infection
Another condition is called Labyrinthitis. It is caused when there is an inflammation or irritation in inner ear. It in turns causes dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance, hearing loss, ringing in ears and difficulty focusing the eyes.
Neurological Problem
Neurological issues like stroke, multiple sclerosis, or brain hemorrhage can cause dizziness or disorientation among people. In severe neurological cases, there might be multiple symptoms like numb face, speech disturbances, and visual disturbances.
Dizziness and Disorientation effects a person’s routine functioning in life. They should also try to avoid self-medication. People should consult a neurological examination in severe cases and do not go easy on these symptoms.
Posted in Depression, Health Tips, Mind & body, Sleep disorder
Posted on 01 February 2013. Tags: brain functioning, how to improve brain function, improve brain functioning
It is a common saying that a sound body has a sound brain. People spend a lot of money on products that promises, “Improved intelligence”. People can improve their brain functioning by making few changes to their lifestyle. People can enhance their neurological functioning such as memorizing, learning, and thinking by incorporating few tips.
Brain Exercise:
People can indulge in memory recalls, crosswords, and puzzles to keep their mind active. People can also indulge in mediation and sound recalls maximizing their brainpower. People can also identify their learning styles to learn things quickly. Kinetic learners learn new things quickly. People should also indulge in physical exercises since it has a direct effect on their minds.
Eat Right:
People should eat those food that enhance brain functioning. Brain functioning involves chemical activities in brain; people should eat those food that boost activities of these chemicals. Vegetables like kale and spinach improves brain functioning.
Bodily Habits:
Taking appropriate sleep plays an important role in keeping brain functioning at optimal level. Sleeping in a noisy environment will lead to aggressive behavior and add into inefficiency and irritability.
Right Dealing with Affections:
Effective dealing with emotional issues will result in improved brain functioning. At times, people are unconsciously thinking about unresolved conflicts that effects brain efficiency negatively.
Experience New Challenges:
People should indulge themselves in challenging tasks to improve their neural functioning. They should welcome the new changes and experience new things to improve their brain health.
People should eat brain foods in excess to achieve its optimal functioning. Drinking water in excess will also improve brain functioning. People should take indulge in physical activities too because it indirectly contributes to brain health.
Posted in Fitness tips, Lifestyle Tips, Mind & body, Sports and Athletics
Posted on 29 January 2013. Tags: Daily cleansing, Skin Care Tips, Skin Care Tips in winter, skin exfoliation, Skin irritation, tips for Skin in winter
People may experience many skin related issues in winters. Many people complaint of acne during winters. Skin irritation is the most common problem. Scratching skin may exacerbate skin condition. Here are few tips that people with skin issues can consider to avoid skin problems in winters.
Avoid Long Showers:
People should avoid taking long showers in winters. They should take warm bath for not more than half-hour. Taking warm bath before bed induces deep sleep.
Use Humidifier:
People should keep their humidifiers working all the time. In this way, they can avoid skin dryness.
Use Moisturizer:
People can use a mild moisturizer to keep their skin moisturized after shower and before going out.
Daily Cleansing:
People should clean their skin with a good cleanser after returning back to home. Daily cleansing will reduce acne and will clear skin of dirt and environmental pollutants.
Use Non-Comedogenic Make-Up:
People should wear non-comedogenic make to avoid clogged pores in their face.
People can also undergo skin exfoliation before moisturizer application. A light exfoliant will remove dead skin of face and give it a glow. A professional help in exfoliation could be a wise decision. Do not try it at home if you are new to skin exfoliation. Right eating may also contribute to skin health. Eating too many dry fruits also creates dryness in skin. It should be avoided.
Posted in Mind & body, Skin care
Posted on 04 January 2013. Tags: diet for heart patients, exercise for heart patients, healthy eating diet, heart patient diet, heart patients
Most of the Americans are surrounded by white and fried food when it comes to eating. They are too busy with their work routine that they hardly find a time tospend for healthy cooking and eating. They prefer take away meals and drive-thru to save their time. These unhealthy eating habits are directly affecting people’s heart creating cardio-vascular diseases. The American Heart Association has created a list of healthy eating diets for heart patients.
Category 1: Fruit
They can eat fresh, frozen, or canned fruit of any type. Eating fruit is healthy for all.
Category 2: Vegetables
They can take any type of veggies exclusive of that comes as a sauce pouch. They should thoroughly rinse veggies before use. They should ensure that these veggies are unsalted.
Category 3: Meat
They should take non-breaded fish, tuna, and salmon. They can eat any type of skin less fresh or frozen meat of chicken, turkey, pork, beef and lamb.
Category 4: Dairy
They can take low fat and skim milk. They can take low fat or part skim cheese, Neufchatel cheese and cottage cheese.
Category 5: Bread
They can take cereals, grains, and starches group. They can also eat pasta, rice, starchy veggies, homemade breads, loaf breads, Melba toast, matzo crackers, cooked cereals, and finally cooked cereals.
Category 6: Oils
They can take all types of heart healthy oils. These oils include canola, olive, cottonseed, corn, safflower, peanut, and soybean and sunflower oils.
There are few foods that heart patients should avoid these are whole milk, red meat, hydrogenated oils, hot dogs and all types of processed foods. All those foods that are high on sodium should be avoided. It is advised to consult cardio specialist to guide people according to their condition. Regular exercising is healthy for heart patients too.
Posted in Eat Healthy, Eating, Fitness tips, Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips, Mind & body
Posted on 25 December 2012. Tags: cause of dry mouth, cures for dry mouth, dry mouth, dryness in mouth, tips for dry mouth
Dry mouth results when mouth produces less or no saliva. Saliva aids in digesting foods. It also neutralizes acids in mouth to prevent teeth decay. Dry mouth is called “Xerostomia”.
Symptoms of mouth dryness
When mouth produces less saliva, it makes lips to crack and skin to dry. People could experience rough and dry tongue in this condition. Dry skin can end in embarrassing situations like when people wear lipstick it would stick to their teeth. It would be the case with food. People can observe this condition and consult their physician on immediate basis.
Causes of dry mouth
Many medications and their side effects cause mouth dryness. Chemotherapy can also makes saliva thick that makes people feel dryness. Nerve damage due to neck and head injury can also cause dryness in mouth. Other medical reasons include diabetes and HIV/AIDS that causes dryness in mouth. Smoking and its related things like alcohol and caffeine can worsen that condition.
Treatment of mouth dryness
It is advised to consult family physician on immediate basis. It might be due to a medical condition called Sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes, cancer or any heart related issue. Ensure regular visits to dentist for dental checkups. Brushing everyday could be helpful. Sucking a sugar free gum may induce saliva and stimulate smooth flow of saliva. Drinking water repeatedly may help counter this issue.
Posted in Active family, Health Tips, Mind & body
Posted on 24 December 2012. Tags: make a better day, reducing stress, stress reducers, tips to relieve stress
People often get pissed off when they start a bad with any bad event or thing. They think that particular event has ruined their day. They get annoyed and operate in a way that actually ruined their day. There are few tips and tricks to make their day a better day:
Making bed:
People can make it a habit to clean their bed. It will create a feeling of hygiene feeling and hygiene reduces stress and gives a feeling of relaxation.
Prepare a snack:
Although people might be angry for sometime due to one or worse event but it does not mean that they will not feel hungry. Preparing a healthy snack with some raw veggies and fruit would induce freshness among them whenever they consume it.
Clean/Organizing workstation:
Clearing workstation of coffee mugs and papers will help people to concentrate. It would also allow them to have a greater focus on tasks and doing it in an organized manner.
Listening to music:
Several studies has proved that pleasant music that make a person smile helps in reducing stress, lowers blood pressure and elevate mood. People should have a list of mp3 songs to listen while in a bad mood to get relieved.
Sniffing a lemon:
Japanese researchers have proved that sniffing a lemon reduces stress. People can try this quick trick to lower their stress level.
Stretching can improve blood circulation and muscle flexibility. It will relax muscles that are stretched during stress. People can do few simple moves like moving their arms and legs at any small place for relaxation.
Mediation if done daily helps in reducing stress levels. People can practice it for few minutes each day.
Keeping a happy dairy:
People should carry a dairy in which they have noted all those things that make them happy and happy events. Reading that dairy at a time of stress can help them.
Switching off all electronic items:
It is better to switch off all the electronic items at the time of stress and 5-minutes every day to counter stress. Noise pollution indirectly triggers aggression.
Setting your priorities:
People should carry a priority list. In this way they can keep that in mind that whether that important or thing is really that important for them or not. Setting priorities and working on it systematically reduces mental tension.
People can induce these few quick tricks to manage their aggression. They should try to make the best of each day because people around them are also affected by their behavior. People can isolate themselves from troubled thing/events can also help them to cope with stress.
Posted in Depression, Mind & body, Sleep disorder
Posted on 20 December 2012. Tags: causes for fatigue, eat healthy, reason of fatigue, reasons for fatigue, tired all the time
People might feel tired all the time due to no logical reason. This fatigue interferes in their daily functioning. At times, it makes people frustrated leading them to violent behaviors in result of aggression. If people take it seriously, they can treat it in almost no time.
Possible reasons for fatigue could be:
Eating habits:
Healthy eating habits would prevent from fatigue. Fluctuations in Blood sugar levels are one of the factors of fatigue. Eating healthy means carrying less body weight, Obesity can also be one reason of fatigue.
Sleep routines:
Good sleep ensures healthy living. People should avoid taking caffeine and alcohol before going to bed. They should try to sleep in a noise free environment and comfortable bed.
Exercise schedule:
People are misguided by the myth that exercise could make them fatigued. Exercise actually keeps muscles and your body healthy.
Anemia/ Iron deficiency:
It is a very common cause of fatigue. People should include more green food like spinach and meat to improve their health condition.
Other deficiencies:
People with fatigue should consult their physicians. Blood test could reveal the specific nutrient deficiency like potassium.
Thyroid problems:
Over-secretion and under-secretion of thyroids can trigger fatigue. People should undergo a blood test for checking the level of thyroid stimulating hormone.
Diabetes could be one of the reasons for fatigue. People should check if they feel dragy, have blurred vision and lots of urination. All these symptoms are linked with diabetes.
Those people whose feelings of exhaustion lead them to sadness and loss of appetite. They should consult their doctor or therapist for help in severe cases.
Sleeping disorders and related issues:
If people have trouble sleep, this could also lead them to fatigue. Sleep apnea in which people briefly stop breathing during sleep could also lead to fatigue.
Heart problems:
Tiredness is a common problem among women that indicates heart problems. It could also lead to fatigue.
People should consult their family physician to avoid any serious problem. Fatigue could be due to many reasons few of which are indicated above. Eating healthy and clean food and regular exercising ensures healthy future.
Posted in Depression, Men health, Mind & body, Sleep disorder, Teens health, Women health
Posted on 19 December 2012. Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, relieve from stress, stress disorders
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition following any traumatic event that people hear or experience. These experiences include combat experience, child sexual or physical abuse, terrorist attack, Sexual or Physical assault, serious accidents (vehicle wreck or plane crash etc.) and Natural disasters (like floods and hurricanes). Although, it is advised to consult an expert Psychologist in this regard but there are few things that are common to relieve from stress.
Get Therapy:
It is highly recommended to consult a Psychologist or Psychiatrist in this regard. People should take it very seriously as the case might be the severe one.
Avoid self-medications:
Please avoid self-medication as self-medication might worsen the condition. Use medication according to the prescription of Psychiatrist or Medical Doctor.
Talk about it:
Talking about a problem or issue might decrease the stress level of the victim. People should talk to their children, if their children have experienced any trauma. Their behavior will also give them secure feelings like hugging and taking them around their arms for few hours.
Join support group:
When many people experience a trauma that affects many people, they should join a support group. It will help them relieve their stress and relieve their feeling of loneliness.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle:
People should ensure that eat and sleep as per their daily routine. This might sound absurd to many people who had experience this type of stress but they could at least try to do so.
People can at least try to maintain their normal state of mind to make decisions after trauma. At times, people reacted in a way that is harmful for themselves and their family. These types of behaviors should be discouraged while giving drills to children at school and at home.
Posted in Depression, Lifestyle Tips, Mind & body, Sleep disorder
Posted on 17 December 2012. Tags: get rid of acne scars, getting rid of pimples, how to get rid of acne scar
The biggest issue among teenagers after getting rid of pimples is leftover dark scars. These scars are too stubborn to take almost a month or so to disappear or more. These scar decreases self-confidence and self-image of a person. People use expensive dermatological products to get rid of them that could be irritating at times. It is better to prefer natural homemade remedies or creams that are composed of many chemicals.
Tips to get rid of acne scars naturally
Tomato juice and cucumber
A mixture of tomato juice with cucumber will soothe the affected area. Apply it overnight and wash it in the morning to lighten the marks of pimples.
Lemon juice
Applying lemon juice will help in reducing redness and disappearing scars. Apply it for over nights repeatedly till the scar is completely gone.
Sandal wood and rose water
People can prepare a mixture of sandalwood and rose water to use it on affected skin areas for over-night. They can wash it in the morning with gentle cleanser to get glowing skin.
Lavender oil and olive oil
Massaging olive oil and lavender oil and leaving it over night can help decrease acne scars. Lavender oil has calming effect on skin that will help your skin to relax while it works. Olive oil keeps your skin moisturized while reducing acne scars.
Nut meg and milk
Consistent usage of nutmeg with milk will help in sloughing off dead area of skin. People could get a new scar free skin with repetitive usage.
Aloe Vera gel and honey
Its mixture works just like Nut Meg and milk mixture. Use it to get a beautiful and healthy skin.
Every day care
People with acne and pimples issues should ensure that they regularly clean their skin with good cleansers. They should use toners and moisturizers to avoid future pimples and its related issues. People should also avoid touching and popping their pimples and use clean hands if they need to do it.
Posted in acne treatment, Lifestyle Tips, Mind & body, Skin care