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How to Engage Children in Outdoor Activities?

The rise in obesity has created many problems among children. Parents are
concerned about their child’s future as they are aware of the fact that obesity is the root cause to heart diseases. Obese children usually hold a negative self-image and low self-confidence. Parents can cope with all these issues by engaging them in outdoor activities. Children usually spend their time in front of screens, be it TV, video games or computers. The major challenge for parents is to compel their children for outdoor play.

Ideas to Engage Children in Outdoor Play

Children need dire attraction to go and play outdoors. Their activities need to be changed constantly. Parents cannot push them outside but they can make outdoor activities attractive. Here are few ideas:

Treasure Hunt:

Children love treasure hunt. Parents do not need to spend time on hiding things at their garden. They can engage their children in finding sticks, pine tree cones, flowers, bird feathers, and oak leaves.

Physical sports:

Parents can engage their children in physical sports like football, hand ball, rugby etc. They can also play games like sack race, three leg races etc. winners can be awarded by homemade gifts.

Play dirty:

Children love to play in dirt; parents can engage their children in gardening. In this way, they will stay active and interested in this activity.

Splash game:

Car washing can be a fun activity for children. Children love to play in water during summers. Parents can get their car cleaned during this fun activity.

Walk the dog around:

Children can go out for walking their dog. Small children can go out with adults or their parents.

Go Cycling:

Hit the roads, children can go cycling. Cycling is the easiest and quickest way to reduce weight.

Parents can also engage their children in outdoor arts like drawing using chalks on road. Later on, it can be cleaned through water and their hands can be washed with minor soap. They can also engage their children in kite flying and other fun activities.

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Safe sports for children

The most common fear among parents during their children play is play injuries. They are more common among girls in sports like soccer and basketball. There are few safe sport that parents can fearlessly indulge their children in. They are:


If done under supervision, it is risk-free. Children love swimming during summers and it is a great way to burn excessive calories.


Not all children like to go for a hiking. They could be provided with a camera to photograph the things they liked and loved could be a fun activity.


It is a lost art at United States but it is a risk free activity. Parents can teach their children to play badminton with them. Badminton tournaments among parents and children could be a fun too.


Bowling could be hard for few children but it ensures that they play safe under supervision. It will induce a sense of tolerance and patience among children.

Mellow Martial Arts:

Mellow martial arts are a safe to induce children in physical activity. This type of martial arts is non-violent.


Girls could join belly-dance classes whereas boys could indulge in break dance and hip-hop.

These types of activities are necessary for children to stay active and social rather than playing video games at home. Eating and snacking without physical activity contributes to childhood obesity among children. Parents should indulge their children in physical sports to keep them active.

Posted in Children health, Injury prevention, Raising fit kids, Sports and AthleticsComments (0)

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