Meditation Relaxation | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Relax For 20 Minutes a Day

Relaxation for at least 20 minutes a day will help to reduce your blood pressure and your reactions to strain Sit or lie someplace relaxed, Exhale slowly in and out of the nostrils, gulp of air deeply into your stomach. Say SA as you exhale and HAM as you inhale. These few suggestions are charged with helpful energy and will help you control your emotions. Try once a day for extraordinary results.
Wounding stress will not only make you feel superior, it can actually make you recovered. Mellowing out can head off fight back pain, headaches, reduce your occurrence of a heart attack, even makes lower your pressure of blood. In a new study, for instance, a group of men and women who practiced a specific kind of stress relief the Relaxation Response for 20 minutes a day were four times more likely to be able to stop taking one of their blood pressure medication than a group who only went from side to side health counseling.

Some Techniques are listed below:

1. Pick a focus word, prayer, or short phrase that is tightly fixed in your faith system, such as “two,” “space,” “health is wealth,” “I want heaven,” or “flowers.”

2. Sit silently in a relaxed situation.

3. Shut your eyes.

4. Relax your muscles, moving ahead from your feet to your calves, thighs, abdomen, shoulders, head, and neck.

5. Breathe slowly and naturally, and as you do, say your focus word, sound, phrase, or prayer silently to yourself as you exhale.

6. Do not worry about how well you are doing. When other opinion come to mind, simply say to yourself a word like , “hmmm,” and gently return to your recurrence.

7. Continue this for 15 to 20 minutes.

8. Do not leave it immediately. Continue sitting quietly for a moment or so, allowing other thoughts to return in your mind. Then open your eyes and sit for some seconds or minure before rising.


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